Thursday, December 22, 2011

Could anyone please edit my essay?

“The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity.” This quote, said by British politician and author Benjamin Disraeli, underlines the significance of the contributions made by young adults such as myself. We are known to be the leaders of tomorrow and therefore, it is essential that we show our leadership in today's society. Volunteering in our communities is one great way to prepare ourselves for a future that will soon be dependent upon us. Whether it be helping out with a fundraiser or lending a hand to an elderly person, we can all contribute to our community in a positive manner. This will ultimately equip us for the tremendous responsibility that awaits us. Another great way to show fulfillment for our generation is to get involved in school sports, clubs, and activities. In doing so, we can make use of the talents we possess, as well as learn important life values like problem solving skills, communication skills, teamwork, cooperation, and self-confidence. We can also benefit from these ideals, because they can help us guide the younger generation, who will follow in our footsteps.


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