Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Question for Texans ?

I'll vote for her in the primaries but she probably will not get it because she isn't very well known. I will not vote for that brown racist Farouk Shami. Here is his quote ""Minorities have been ignored, we will rise to the level, they will rise to the level, they want to be part of this future government of the state of Texas," Shami told KVUE News. "We have a black president and it's time for a brown governor." That is the most racist thing I have ever heard a politician say and get away with. Could you imagine a white politician saying something similar in 2012. "We have had a black president and it's time to have another white president." That would not fly it's time we stop having a double standard and that's what I like about Debra Medina as a candidate. She is fair and not a racist. I like her more than Perry because she will not sale out to anyone like perry did on the vaccine issue.


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