Thursday, December 22, 2011

When is the battle of midway?

I'm getting a mix of different information. One source says that it's from June 4th - June 6. Another says, June 3-June 6. Then, there's another that says, June 3-June 7. And one that says, June 4 - June 7th. Which one is the real date??????

Could anyone please edit my essay?

“The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity.” This quote, said by British politician and author Benjamin Disraeli, underlines the significance of the contributions made by young adults such as myself. We are known to be the leaders of tomorrow and therefore, it is essential that we show our leadership in today's society. Volunteering in our communities is one great way to prepare ourselves for a future that will soon be dependent upon us. Whether it be helping out with a fundraiser or lending a hand to an elderly person, we can all contribute to our community in a positive manner. This will ultimately equip us for the tremendous responsibility that awaits us. Another great way to show fulfillment for our generation is to get involved in school sports, clubs, and activities. In doing so, we can make use of the talents we possess, as well as learn important life values like problem solving skills, communication skills, teamwork, cooperation, and self-confidence. We can also benefit from these ideals, because they can help us guide the younger generation, who will follow in our footsteps.

Im 18 and my dad wont let me grow up ?

Try sitting him down and getting it through to him that your growing up and you need your own space. Might be hard but its the only thing that would make him understand

I need help because im suffering from some sort of parranoia or effects of the tablets prescribed?

hi,from where to start..i ate marijuana...i got a paranoid trip and then stopped i thought i wont do it any further.but around two weeks later something strange started to happen.i started getting that effect again and it was parranoying. i mean it was unlike iv ever experienced before.i have done marjuana before and left many times but i never got this was like some vague thoughts and things which did not make any sense at a all..i consulted a doctor.and she gave me clonotril with which my mind felt numb but i started feeling better when it used to become evening or night.i changed my doc and he prescribed respidon and phenergan.and the effect stopped kinda but then i started getting vague depressive i was given fluvoxamine(50) mg.and a continuation of the 1st course i.e. only respidon twice a day.but after i took fluvoxamine twice i started getting a totally different feeling my mind was like totally numb and i didnt sleep for three days.and when i use to go to sleep my mouth used to start twiching and the nerves in my fingers felt tingly..then i thought il stop all medication as only my mind is numb i am not getting the paranoid feeling.the numbness continued to be there but my sleep and my mind somewhat returned to normal.but after around ten days whenever i looked at an object it sort of looked like when u look at the sun or something bright u get dat blotchy effect.and also when i stare at something there are all dots flying around like t.v static somewhat.and i am getting vague manic thoughts.and i get sleep but before that i go into a very,i cant articulate it better than saying a "chemical" feeling of fluvoxine.nothing makes sense.please help.the parranoia is not much now but i feel numb and my vague conscious thoughts are equally bad.i also sometimes see piercing colourflul dots infront of my eyes just for a second.please help.

Boyfriend rumour.. help please..?!?

Dont rely on rumours.. talk to him face to face. You owe him that... what if the roles were reversed and he believed a rumour about you before even giving you the respect to speak to you?

Can someone please translate this for me?

Love is something one can never understand and it is the love? because I know wearing the hotel breaking the heart is open for business, but I wish that it had closed.

How do I stop tooth pain?

Try this... My Mom is having some of the same trouble. There are a few things that have helped her. The simplest, a heating pad applied to the jaw. She says that you can also try pushing an ice cube, wrapped in a thin towel (to keep it from being so uncomfortable for you), into your palm just between the index finger and the thumb, in the web of your hand. It's some sort of acupuncture that works for her. My Dad taught me this.. get a regular aspirin, crush it up and apply it to the area causing you pain. It should stop hurting, at least for a while. If none of these work, don't forget the possibility that it may be an ear ache. If that's the case none of these methods will work, but good news, you could then go to the emergency room with no money and no insurance and they would still be able to help you right now. Good luck and I am praying for you.

What does the following mean: "I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter."?

I see different places on the Internet, but I don't know what it implies. What is this supposed to communicate?

Is this wrong or what?CENTER LINE, Mich. - An 85-year-old man is accused of kidnapping his wife from a nursing

Amazing when someone other than a family member knows what is best for a person. That is the man's wife for crying out loud. He should have every right to do what he thinks is best for her.

Which team do you think will have the highest average finish at Pocono this Sundy? EGR or JGR?

JGR will have a higher avg. finish. Unless he wrecks or has a tire or mechanical problem, you figure Busch will finish high. And Hamlin will run really well. Logano has also been getting a lot better lately. Hamlin will finish highest for JGR. My guess is Montoya will finish highest for EGR.

Do u buy this argument?

I dont buy it at all and I agree with what you are saying. I think it is clear though, that people have strong opinions about this and nobody's mind is going to change. Maybe it is time to agree to disagree with them on this one and move on to discussing the man's politics and what he will do tot his country if elected. That will put the final nail in his coffin.

Moving Violations Advice In New Jersey?

If you yourself are a New Jerseyan, then you deserve it and should just deal with it. If not, get a lawyer.

Christians: do you think creationists are “true Christians”?

You guys seem to quickly describe your fellow Christians with whom you disagree as “not true Christians.” The Christian televangelists, the Christian “faith healers,” the Christian pastors who get caught stealing money from the church collection plate etc, according to most of you guys, these guys are not “true Christians.” What about creationists? Creationists are blatant liars and one of the main public figures representing creationism, Kent Hovind, is actually in jail right now. So Christian creationists are pretty lowly human beings, right; would you describe them as not “true Christians”?

I touched the POWER CONTROL WIRE to GROUND on accident made a spark and now my stereo doesn't work?

i was installing a aftermarket stereo in my car and i accidently touched ground to the power control wire when hooking it up made a little spark and now it wont work? i checked the fuse and it wasn't it. i own a 1997 infiniti qx4 what should i do?

What should I do about the pain in my hamstring?

When I stretch I have severe pain in my right hamstring just above the knee. I usually an pretty flexible, but now can barely stretch my right leg. It doesn't hurt at all unless I am stretching. I run between 2-3 miles each day and it doesn't bother me at all. It has been hurting for at least 3 months and isn't getting any better. When it first happened I did hear a mild popping sound so I took a couple weeks off from working out. Any knowledge of this subject would help. Thanks so much!!

What does my dream mean?

This dream is problably related to your connection with New York and 9/11. You still are a little wounded psychicly, by this previous event, and have some left over insecurity about how safe the world arroud you is. I hope that through meditation, counseling, or some form of self reprograming, you can heal this part of you a little more. Exercise, some times makes one feel safer and more confident.

Best lodging at Snoqualmie?

Alright, so i live in Bellevue, WA and we're on Winter Break for two weeks. Todays Weds. on the first week and my family and i are planning to go to Snoqualmie to hit the slopes, and go sledding and skiing/snowboarding. We want to find a place that's like a hotel near and not far from the p, and is good and affordable. Help!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

feeding on Prozac..? 10 pts?

I need peoples opinions about feeding a newborn while taking prozac. I posted something similar earlier, but every where I look or ask i basically have 50% saying yes and 50% saying no. I have asked my regular doctor, ive read a bunch of websites, I called Mother Risk hotline (Canada) and I go see my OB on the 28th so I'll ask him as well. I'm just looking for more answers to see if an answer will outweigh the other.

I need to find appetizers for a party i'm hosting, and they have to be something i can buy premade. Any ideas?

It's a party with both kids and adults so something that i can buy from say safeway like jalepeno poppers or something like that. 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER

Question for Texans ?

I'll vote for her in the primaries but she probably will not get it because she isn't very well known. I will not vote for that brown racist Farouk Shami. Here is his quote ""Minorities have been ignored, we will rise to the level, they will rise to the level, they want to be part of this future government of the state of Texas," Shami told KVUE News. "We have a black president and it's time for a brown governor." That is the most racist thing I have ever heard a politician say and get away with. Could you imagine a white politician saying something similar in 2012. "We have had a black president and it's time to have another white president." That would not fly it's time we stop having a double standard and that's what I like about Debra Medina as a candidate. She is fair and not a racist. I like her more than Perry because she will not sale out to anyone like perry did on the vaccine issue.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence?

I can see how that's a good argument if we are talking about a finite being that will only occupy a discrete area of space. But, does that argument work for something that is supposedly *everywhere*?

Charlie Sheen & Lindsay Lohan, lock them up and lose the key? What say you?

Come on how many chances are you going to give these two losers. So ridiculous and they think they are above the law. Do the authorities have no concern for the message this is sending to young people about breaking the laws and getting off with a hand smack.

How is the Porsche Boxster in the snow?

I am considering getting a Porsche Boxster for my 17 year old son. However, i live in New York, about an hour away from the city. The winter weather doesn't get too insane here, but we still get a decent amount of snow and ice in the winter. Another factor is that our driveway leading into the garage is down hill, and slightly difficult to maneuver out of even in good conditions. It gets plowed during the winter, but its still not great. The Porsche Boxster only comes in RWD and i know that drivetrain is supposed to be the worst in snow because the weight of the car (the engine) is usually in the front. However the engine in the Porsche, as far as I know, is positioned in the middle. I drive a 4WD Dodge Durango with a HEMI engine, and still sometimes have some difficulty getting out of the driveway in the winter. Since the weight distribution in the Porsche is different than most RWD cars, would that make it slightly manageable during the winter? Or would it be completely unusable during the winter months.

Possible name for girl babby: Smegma D'luxe?

These names are traditional Irish Gaelic names that have been in our families for many generations. My husband's great, great grandmother, Smegma O'Tool, was the fourth Barnstable of County Colonic in rural southwest Ireland.

Do you ever wonder what the kids in Family Circus would turn out like?

Say Billy and Dolly and whatever the rest of their freakshow names are... How do you imagine them turning out?

Ladies: Should a guy ask for the FIRST kiss you or should he just go for it? 10 pts!?

I like the spontaneous aspect of romance so I'd have to say I'd much rather he go for it. Asking just seems like he isn't confident. And don't worry maybe she was just shy, perhaps you were her first? Give it time or talk to her about it.

Girls: Do you think he is hot (pics) (Rate 1-10) and does he look gay?

5. Not my type, I'm not really into skinny blondes. Not saying he's ugly or attractive. I just don't think he's hot at all.

Do the Houston Texans have a bad defense?

No, I actually was very impressed with the Texans Defense. The addition of Cushing did make a difference and I think it will be more and more evident as they play more games. I think the sacking machine Mario Williams is going to be get moving as Cushing gets the play time and experience he should have gotten had he not missed the Preseason.

Wat is wrong with me? I'm dizzy for no reason...Or at least "I" don't think so?

with all the green stuff in your nose, you probably have a sinusitis. That blocks up all the various pages in your head, including the one that drains the inner ear of excess fluids, increased pressure in the ear will cause the dizzyness you are experiencing. Two things you need to do, thin your secretions by drinking a great deal more water, at least two liters every day, and take a decongestant.

My horse wont load in a trailer!! Please help!?

Ok my horse will not load in a trailer no matter what. We've tried puttin other horses in first then put him in. We've tried puttin him in first. Nothin works. We even tried using a different trailer! This really sucks for me because i love to ride him and i love to work cattle on him and i sometimes use him to do rodeo queen competitions. I havent been able to ride him in almost a year because we cant get him to load no matter what we try. I really dont know what to do.

Anime characters that wear white gi's?

I need the names and series of anime characters that wear white gi's. The first day of the upcoming anime convention i'm just wearing my white karate gi before changing into my Reno costume. I want to try to turn it into an actual costume. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. And please, don't be rude.

What is the name of the singing group that sang wild wild west?

The title was something like livin in the 90's livin in the Wild Wild West. They were an 80's group I think.

Why cant we see james&kirk(metallica)steping on pedal when they change from clean 2 destortion in live shows?

huge bands like metallica have enough money to hire a dedicated sound guy, that makes sure all the sounds are mixed right, and control distortion and effects for the band on each song, that way james and kirk don't have to worry about stepping on the pedals at the right times.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One must take the initiative to understand team goals, identity reponsibilites delegated to the team?

you need to supply the context...some more information about what you are talking about first before we can answer your question, I think.

Duct tape and personal lubricant (KY, etc)?

Why would someone buy duct tape and personal lubricant at the same time? What would you use the two items together for?

How many soldiers fought on Confederate side at Antietam? How many on the Union side? What startegies?

You truly expect you will get the entire history of Antietam as an answer ? Who has time or would take the two hours to type it. Google "Antietam" or go to the library and do your homework. It was one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.

Can someone tell me how to brine a turkey?

I got responses for a previous question telling me that brining turkeys makes them tender. How do I do it? And doesn't it make the turkey extra salty?

Do you agree with this new bill Bill to eliminate illegal immigrant driver loophole advances?

Yes, I wish every state would p such a law. If the federal government would actually enforce existing immigration laws then it wouldn't be necessary.

Conservatives: How bitter and alienated do you feel as a result of Obama's election to the Presidency?

I certainly don't feel bitter or alienated. No matter what happened the Democratic nominee was going to win due to the economy and how people felt about Bush..

What do you think goes the best? Olivia or Livia?

I definitely think Olivia Sophie fits in best with your other daughters' names. Livia sounds more like a nickname than a full name, and it doesn't fit with Isla, Violet and Sienna - it seems a little out of place, whereas Olivia fits perfectly. Also, if you use the name Olivia, you still have the possibility of using Livia as a nickname as well as Livy - it leaves your daughter more choices for the future. Personally I would spell Livy as Livvie, but I think Livi or Livy is the cutest spelling from your list. :]

Is coca cola sparkling water?

please explain if sparkling water comprises of coke, sprite, pepsi, 7up, fanta and other soft drinks. please give eleborate explanation. thank you

Has a Neocon near you, asked for your picture Recently!?

The kid asked for a recommendation to get into college. The guy asked for a picture because that's the only way he could remember him. You're sick for twisting it this way.

Once I have had the interview at the US Emby in San Salvador how long does it take to have the visa sent to?

Once I have had the interview at the US Emby in San Salvador how long does it take to have the visa sent to you once approved? A couple of weeks?

Itunes question....????

ok so i had a whole crap load of music on my old laptop...and i set up my itunes acct on that computer so it could play the music and wat not...well now i have a new laptop...all my music is still on there anyway of getting them off there without burning a disk or can i just take them from my itouch...and is there anyway i can change the authorization to play the music and wat not from just the old comp to just the new comp(or both) with out logging into the old one...(it doesnt work that well anymore)(which is y i got a new one)....if u have any further question or need further exlaination email

Dog Kiss...............?

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KISSED A SLOBBERY DOG (newfoundland, great dane, blood hound, bernese mountian dog, mastiff or a st bernard)? DID HE KISS YOUR FACE, LIPS, OR MOUTH?WHAT DID IT FEEL LIKE (IS IT SLIMMY, WET, STINKY) DOES IT FEEL GOOD?

Sinner or Saint?

People commonly call fellow Christians sinners all the time, but rarely are they called saints. Catholics reserve the term saint for a posthumous recognition of one's earthly work. Yet scripture refers to believers on earth as saints. To confuse matters more, the OT definition of sinner was "one found guilty before God," and the NT definition is "to miss the mark and not share in the prize." Since forgiveness of sin and eternal life with God is the Christian prize, how can Christians call a believer a sinner (they're not going to heaven) and still profess them as a fellow believer? It's not paradoxical either. Frankly, it's imposing the English language onto the Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible which distorts God's message of deliverance. What do you think?

Has American politicians forsaken their constituents because they are all ignorant fools...?

They have all of us prisoners in this neo-nazi police state, in which you are treated like a the worst of the criminal under a minor incident. We need another French Revolution here in the States.

Mucus (Phlegm) always in Back of Throat, Help Please?

My doctor put me on over the counter Mucinex for horrible phlegm. It really works, too! Dr. says to take it the rest of my life. I take one in the a.m. and one at night. It is amazing how much difference it makes for me. I hope you can try this, too!

Is The Blue Iguana in Salt Lake City Open on New Years Day?

I'm trying to find a place to take my girlfriend for our aniversary, the blue iguana came to mind. Is it open today? It looks nice but i've never been there, is it?

Calling all Canadians....?

Ah, but most Canadians don't do that (maybe the hockey skates is the exception); as more than 90% of the population of Canada is within 100 miles of the US border. I think Canadians are just Americans with more taxes and better health.

If a stick-man were a real person what physical features would they have?

Hi, I imagine you could include hands and feet according to the action you want to illustrate and as you mentioned, angle the hands and feet to show the movements like when we walk. Closer up, you could use hands in gestures like thinking or the figure sitting with the legs crossed and the figure writing and drawing. Stick figures depending on the complexity you want to depict could be used for showing action or movements such as sports, running, jumping, riding bikes etc. You may be working with these figure for animation, if so I am sure they lend themselves well to todays animation programs although I haven't tried animation this way, I have used the old method of paged images so if this is the case then I imagine you are only limited by the imagination. Hope this helps some.

I'm being used for a greencard?

Help me please! I want to get out of this situation. I married a Mexican man who I now realize only wanted me for a greencard. In the beginning he and his family were very welcoming and accepting Now its an entirely different story. His behavior has changed. He went from being a quiet, shy and attentive person to this arrogant aggressive self serving prick. Now he's telling me that he wants to stay married but that he wants to be free to date. What nerve!!! I don't trust him or his mom. He's a liar, a cheat, and a very manipulative cunning man. What's going to happen? I feel hurt, deceived, taken advantage of, and guilted. They've made it my responsibility to give him the American the dream. My insides are screaming NO! , get a divorce and run as fast as you can. Its painful to realize that someone you looked at with love never looked at you the same. I don't matter to these people. I'm a stepping stone to the American dream. It doesn't matter who they step on emotionally to get the

My 76 year old father was diagnosed with 'shingles' today?

He gets really sharp pains all of a sudden in his head to.. is this normal? Please help, im really scared and have never dealed with anyone with shingles before. How can I help?? The doctor has given him medication and told him to keep it clean!

What state should i live in and tell me about the state .?

ok so i live in florida and have been around snow and i love snow . yes i know some people that live in snowy states dont like snow , i like it and want to move where it does so please don't tell me i should'nt move somewhere like that . anyway i want big spacious houses kid friendly enviroment good neighborhoods and good jobs also big yards for houses . summer - not to hot fall - coldish and somewha t warm sometimes nice crisp colorful leaves and fall fests around town and watnot also winter- cold lots of snow spring - flowers poppin up and blooming . i want to live somewhere you can really tell the seasons are changing . if you state and city is like this tell me about the activities weather and neighbor hoods and houses or just suggest a state for me thanks !

What does rain turn into when it falls to the surface?

Either steam or ice...I can't really tell because you don't tell us what the surface IS. What is it the surface of? A hot car? A frozen lake?


Yes, when Toskala is on his game, he's great. But when he's off his game, he's just plain awful. There's absolutely no consistency with him.

A career in videogame development?

Talk to the video game companies that interest you the most to see what they suggest and if they recommend certain schools or cles. Maybe you can also get a summer internship at one. Good luck!

Discrete distribution?

Need help on this question: A box contains 10 articles of which 3 are defective. 5 articles are selected from the box at random. What is the probability that exactly 2 are defective?.

Are fishnets w/ a skirt slutty? (halloween costume)?

i think it probably would, but since it's for halloween i don't think it would, unless you are wearing like, some really really short dress or something. but if its for halloween its prob ok

Should I go,or should I stay?

Okay,so I have an opourtunity of a lifetime. I can go to ASMS(Alabama School of Mathematics and Science). It's a great school,amazing teachers,its perfect for anyone who wants a good scholarship. It's free,and its just plain out awsome. BUT, if I live far from home, I would end up missing my family and home....and mostly my friends. They have been through alot with me,and I would problaly miss my school as well. I always dreamed of graduating from SSHS,and well....its sad for me. We are having a new school built,and I would love to attend to that school,brand new with amazing technology,but we are a small town down south in Alabama...I would problaly never get out of the school with a high scholarship and go into a good school.....I wasn't born in the state,or in the town....but I've adopted it as my home town. It's practically part of my heart...I've had such great memories and experiences....But...should I stay somewhere where I could problaly only go to a not-so-great college or to a high respected university?ASMS is amazing,at the momment I am at their summer program,and I love it...but my heart breaks at the tought of leaving my friends,family.....and school. So,what would you do?

Why was my best answer considered violation?

someone asked a question here, what do you think of jews and i answered a real answer not some bs like oh, cousins of the muslims. my answer was chosen as best answer. today i log in and i receieved a violation for that answer with the question subsequently deleted! i am so pissed off. if you reported me, can you tell me why in the world you thought my answer wasn't following "community guidelines"? (as if, you should see the other stuff ppl post here.) sorry for the vent but its so annoying and frustrating, one answer im proud of and next thing i know its suddenly deleted. what is up??

Does Yahoo know about this scam using the "Yahoo" name?

SCAM SCAM SCAM dont answer dont give your details just delete the rubbish they are FRAUDS.If you win a lottery they do not want to know your nationality, marital status, age,, ect plus to win you must first purchase a ticket.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Premier league strikers?

who are ur guys top 5 or even top 10 strikers in the EPL even the guys who got transferd like Dzeko & suarez.

Help with game creator software?

Is there a game creation creator software that is really simple and requires like no coding but just lets you add terrain building and people, dialoges quests that kind of stuff and it would have to be pretty simple. Thanks

How's life on campus for a freshman?

I'm a freshman at an all-girl's university and I'm so nervous! And how much does a sucky roommate affect dorm life? Thanks!!!

Is there a bus or train from Reno, NV to Virginia City, NV?

Any information on transport to and from Reno to Virginia City would be great. We are travelling without a car, so need bus or train info'. Thanks.

POLL: When humans are wiped out...?

Do you think it'll be from our own demise (too much fiddling with autonomous or destructive creations) or some external cause we did nothing to influence (asteroid, natural disasters, etc). I'm personally think it will be a zombie apocalypse caused by some disease made in a lab.

I need help with understaidng pregnansy test?

how long do you have to wait after to take a pregnancy test even though you tought you where pregnant before and ive had after this all started i know you have to wait a few weeks after the time that may have been the night but this is different isnt it

Strange crossdressing dream?

strange dream... i think it means your crazy lol jk i dont know what it means all i know is that everyone has their share of odd dreams

Seattle, WA anyone? We are thinking of vacationing there need more info?

My Hubby and I are thinking of going on vacation in Seattle, WA. We are from CT and in our mid 20's and early 30's. We are looking for recommendations on where to stay, eat, visit, and see the sights...We love the skyline of the town and can't wait to see it. What should we do? Anyone have a fave restraunt there? When is the best time to do? Least amount of rain? Mild temps....what do u recommend? THANKS A MILLION! :)

If you were my parents, would this persuade you?

you also need to let them know that you won't get into trouble and let them know that you'll be safe because i can tell that you have a good reason but you need to guarantee that you'll be ok

If you started your own business would you treat yourself to a motivational cl@ Columbia University?

I would learn as much about business anywhere I could, plus I'd find myself a mentor to guide me through those areas where I was a little "fuzzy."

How can I call My girls cell in kiev ukraine?

She lives in sumy and has a cell phone I have the number but dont know how to put them together to call her so far I have 011 international number and 380 country code then what...?

Why did richard durbin propose the food modernization act?l?

was there ideology, electoral advantage, or legislative influence factors? because he was re-elected in 2008 and introduced the bill in 2009, so obviously it wasn't so that he could get re-elected. what led him to introduce the bill?

Kia forte, toyota corrola s, or honda element or civic?

i have been looking for a new car.i would like a car that is safe, sporty, A\and comes at a reasonable price. [ no more than 20,000 and needs to be 4 door] i would also like for it to have a nice speed . can you tell me your opinions on these cars?

Civil War: Lee's surrender. Plz help?

war crime prosecution. return of prisoners, surrender of southern leaders. turning in heavy weapons and ships,merging of some military units

What is a good, concise doentary of WWI and WWII?

I really know nothing about history, can you recommend a 'WWI and WWII for dummies' sort of doentary?

We were ALL born Atheists, how ISN'T Christianity blatant brainwashing of children?

this has to be of equal importance as to whether parents can smack children and some governments have outlawed that.

How is destroying rainforests a good thing???

well its a good ding and a bag ding the bad ding is dat if u cut down the rain forest we wouldn't hav as much oxegen (plants and tree release oxegen 4 us to breathe it without it then we wood be all dead but the good ding is dat they cut down rain forests 2 put up some resorts ( so that we hav a place to go 4 vacation) and also for our paper, pencils, houses, and desks and other wooded stuff that are useful

Has anyone heard of Dow Cream Porter? or have a recipe that is similar?

I'm pretty sure it isn't made anymore. It was one of my fathers favorite beers. I have been making my own beer for a little while now and thought it would be nice to try and make it. If anyone has any recipes that are similar, I would enjoy reading them. Thanks.

How are u supposed to respond when ur compared to a celebrity?

allright im not trying to be a d*k or wtv, i just thought of a bunch of things i've always wondered, but when girls u know/kind of know, say something along the lines of u look like john mayer(i dont think hes good looking but wtv) or u look like the che guevara guy or freddy rinze jr, i know its a compliment, but what do i do complement the girl back, cuz i hate being corny and dont know how to deal withthis

Can we ever move from lovers to family members? not litteraly though?

let it go. you can't do anything about her, she can only change herself. you still love her or you wouldn't be hanging around with her if you didn't still think you had a chance

What should i wear tommorrow?!?

tommorrows a half day and i have no clue what to wear!! maybe sweatpants? give me options and links to see what they look like!!

Tips for taking artistic shots of black female?

I only have a speedlite, flashlight and tripod. But i am having a hard time coming up with inspiration.

What kind of Secure Digital card should I buy for my HP Photosmart M525 digital camera?

I realize that HP sells one, but I'm sure I don't have to use its brand, which seems overpriced. I'm looking for a 1GB card with the fastest data transfer speed possible, and there is nothing in the user guide or on the HP Web site about maximum data transfer speed for the M525. HP's 1GB Secure Digital card says only that it has a "high transfer rate."

Corrupt System file-- How do I fix it?

Easiest way to solve this is to drop back in the Windows CD, boot from a floppy or off the CD itself(if its capable) and reinstall Windows.

I think i have DEFINETLY creeped this guy out...HELPP!!?? PLEASE ANSWER?

I think u shud take d help of social networks in dis case...its d best way 2 start a talk wid him...try it...

Are cell phones available with gps for children?

I just heard of a young girl being abducted in my area. Are there cell phones available with tracking devices? I'm worried about my kids.

Need inspiration for a title (The ________ generation)?

I think Photoshop epitomizes this generation. I'm 19 and my friends discuss this sort of thing all of the time.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why do I always do this?

Every time a well educated, strong, sensual perfect example of a man presents himself to me and asks me out on a date, I always say no? I feel as if they need better than myself, I am full of insecurities. I am beating myself up over this very issue for various reasons. What if I already missed my chance of being with my soul mate? YOUR INPUT PLEASE! THANK YOU!

How do you make fresh water stew in Virtual Villagers 4?

I have tried everything. At the beginning of the game, I skipped ahead a little and collected one of the three different herbs. When it was time to activate the pot, I noticed that I could put the three herbs in the stew. I got fresh water because I thought it would be better for cooking, then I added the three different herbs to the stew. When the stew continued to be "unfinished", i proceeded to add food to the stew. I added everything; raspberries, food from the food bin, and those hard fruits. When that didn't work, I kept adding more foods and more spices. I reheated the stew at least 5 times. Is there a way that I could just empty the pot? HELP ME!

How do you play this song on guitar?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is there any worst combination than stupidity and righteousness?

It seems throughout the history of mankind the most effective way to control the mindset of a popluation is to appeal to the dumbest and then give them a sense of worth for "being right" Once they're on the hook they can't be convinced otherwise. First because they're too stupid to see any other sides of an issue. And because they are RIGHT and therefore you are WRONG. Is there another combination that is used in such a way?

Crock pot question?

I cooked a chicken (about 5 lbs) in my crock pot on low for about 7 hours and it simmered in about a half a cup of chicken broth to keep it tender. Do I still need to cook it in the oven? I don't have a thermometer but it is white in color and appears to be done. I am in favor of using the crock pot for the convenience of allowing it to slow cook while I do as I please while the chicken usually turns out quite tender. What is your opinion and please share any ideas regarding crock pots as I am always open to new ideas. Thank you in advance!

Where Can I buy a cheap Pioneer HTS-GS1 these days?

I want one for my xbox 360 but cant find a good deal like how much sell it before. (brand new $99) I cant seem to find one now everywhere even in pioneer I think its discontinued already. and Ebay sell them overpriced! Help me where to look guys! Thanks!

1996 Ford Taurus???????????

Usually the switch is on the end of the shifter handle. That is if it's on the steering column. If it's on the floor I would imagine it would be a switch on the dash.

How can I ease a sore throat ?

I'm 14 and i've had a cold for the fast few days (since thursday night). I'm over actually feeling sick and weak and all that jazz, but I still have a really sore throat. I have to go to school tomorrow so I can't really stay home. I've tried taking pain relievers and sucking no halls but none of those work, so I don't think medicine will help (not that i have money to go out and buy some lol). Do you know any home remedies that would help? And I mean common stuff, not random things that no one would think to buy unless they specifically needed it.

Is it really the "Fear of Iran" that unites 'strange bedfellows"? Is everything as it appears?

Our military support of Saudi Arabia is not just to help protect them from external forces but also from internal ones. Meetings between King Abdullah and President Ahmadinejad indicate that the two countries have an improved relationship, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, unlike Saddam Husseins Iraq, does not have a track record of invasion anyway. Internal subversion is now the greatest threat to the House of Saud and it is that threat, as much or more than any Iranian threat, that worries the United States. With Saudi Arabia set to be the sole primary producer of crude oil in as little as 20 years it is very much in the interest of the United States that Saudi Arabia continue to be controlled by a western friendly government. After all, its not like we could invade it like we did Iraq; China would pitch a fit if all that oil fell under American control.

What causes ticklishness?

Sensitivity and nerves, and i doubt its genetic. For example your underarms are especially ticklish, because they rarely come in contact during peoples everyday routines.

Can i get into these schools with a 3.0 high school GPA?

I believe you might be admitted to all three schools with the credentials you've shown here. The key is the SAT, and a higher score would certainly overcome minor deficiencies in your GPA. Your score of 1500 is on the low side, but you're not far off of the average, for example, of entrants at the University of Oregon. (See source below.) Your extra-curricular activities will help, and the quality of your essay will also contribute. I would caution you, however, not to overemphasize the tragedy of losing your mom. What admissions officials will be looking for is a positive story about a young person who had a problem and is in the process of overcoming it. Making it an excuse for your GPA would be a mistake. Try to be forthright in your essay, but make it as positive as you can. The admissions folks will see the drop in your grades on your transcript, and if that coincides with the date of your mother's death, they won't need you to point it out. If it doesn't coincide, however, they may count it against you. My advice is to take the SAT again and apply to all three colleges plus some others that you are sure will accept you. Good luck!

Carrer choice - psychology (about colleges, how to prepare, what it includes) PLS HELP?

Hi. You asked a lot of questions, so please bear with me if this answer gets lengthy. To become a psychologist, you will need first do very well in high school; preferably a 3.5 GPA to be competitive enough to make it into top tier universities. Then you will need to be certain that psychology is what you want to do with your life, because it will take you at least eight years before you can earn your doctorate degree, take the exam, become licensed and start practicing. You will have to take some science courses while you're in your undergraduate schooling, but usually, depending on what you choose to take, they are not that hard to p with at least a B-. You will spend four years in undergraduate schooling, working on your Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Psychology. You will want to maintain a 3.5 GPA here too in order to gain acceptance into graduate school. In graduate School you will focus on specific cles that will allow you to one day become a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Therefore, you will be taking cles under the program Clinical Psychology. In order to get your doctorate, you (most likely) will be required to maintain at least a 3.0 ulative GPA. Most schools will require you to p each and every cl with at least a B and if you fail to do so will be placed on probation. If you do not bring it up to a B, you can be kicked out! Whether or not one is successful depends on how willing the student is to study, get good grades, finish on time, and if he/she is pionate about the field.

Finger burn - pain reduction!? advice needed ASAP =/?

Aloe vera oil or antiseptic and keep it wrapped up until it feels better and then allow the air to dry the blister

Are there anygood ACTIVE Msn chat bots?

Im bored out of my skull, and all the msn chat bots dont excist anymore or are Unactive :/ help plz anybody????? x

Do you try to live by jesus's teachings...?

Yes, I believe His teachings. Of course, a person doesn't have to take His words literally because they have deeper meanings which requires wisdom and knowledge of faith. At often times, non-believers somehow misinterpret His words which are indeed essential to man.

Parenting help, PLEASE?

It can be really hard for single parents. The biggest things you can do are sometimes the smallest. Sit down with each girl for at least ten minutes each day. Period. Just that direct one on one time can mean soooo much. Also, remember to make some time for yourself, it doesnt make you a bad parent if you take a mom break. You have to be able to stay sane for them!

My b/f is driving me crazy with tickles...should I?

tie him up when he's asleep and payback tickle him? He's very ticklish too but he's stronger than me

Guy acting weird. Advice please.?

okk so theres this guy i used to work and go to school with and we have been pretty good friends. well tonight he puts his arm around me and was playing around with me like rubbing my arm and he even was rubbing my hair and telling me it was soft. lol. well i was outside standing at my car and he didnt even come over to say bye which is sooo not like him. i think it might have been bc i was talking to a friend?! im not sure tho. what do you think?

What can i put in a tank with 2 yellow bellied sliders?

i have two female yellow bellied sliders about 4 inches in lenght can i put any fish or aquatic animal in with them???

Whatt do i wearr ????

tommarow night is the valentines day dance. alot of ppl are wearing tanks and shorts with flipflops but its going to be freezing soo my mom wont let me wear that. but i dont know what else to wear. ppl are wearing dresses but the dance is casual. other people are wearing skirts and other people are just wearing t-shirts and jeans. i cant buy anything cuz its tommarow night and my birthday is monday so i have to stick with the clothes i have. i have jeans, sweatpants, roll capris, jean capris, tshirts, tankss, strapless shirts. and i really dont want to wear red and pink cuz i know everyone will and dark colors wont work because the lights arent off but they are dimmed. soo please hellpp mee ft !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What is the best way to Wax a car/truck?

as important as the product is, the temperature is a factor also. If it's too cold or shady, the job will be harder than it's worth, and no matter how good/expensive the product is, it won't do a good job. Don't do it in direct sunshine but the warmer the easier the job will be.

How do i enable aim on my blackberry curve 8900?

i try to sign in and then a thing pops that says "service not enable for this handheld" help!

Tax question: gambling winnings?

If a prize is won that is large enough to have to claim on a tax return (over $600 generally), I know that gambling losses can be counted against it if there is proof of the loss (receipts, losing lottery tickets, etc). But, in order to count these gambling losses against the larger-than-$600 prize, does the person filing the return have to be itemizing their deductions, or can it be done by someone who is just taking the standard deduction and exemption?

Why do my granite tile counter tops change color when they get wet?

It dries after 45 minutes but will they discolor over time? Is there something I can do to prevent this? Can I get them treated or something? Do I need to be extremely careful what I get on the counter top? Does all granite do this?

Cisco FXO ports?

Ok, I want to have 10 to 15 pot lines. I noticed you can buy fxo ports for the router with expansion card. What is I want more then that, do they sell external FXO ports that could be connected to cisco router.

Using Bohr model of Hydrogen the energy ociated with an electron being in level n is found to be....?

They give you the formula. All you have to do is plug in n=2 and n=100. The limit of 1/n^2 as n approaches infinity is zero. So the energy of a free electron (aka n=infinity) is zero, which makes sense, since we used a free electron as our reference to measure the relative energy in the first place.

Does it sound like this girl is into me? If not, what is it? Why the bitterness? Please, I know it's long...?

Sounds like your obsessing over details and looking for signals and signs all of the time. She may like you she may not but sounds like she had other things on her mind that day. To answer your question what do i do now? - nothing act as normal be pleasant and polite but don't go out of your way. Let her make the next move then you will know.

Whats up with the word *****?

whats up with that word im white and my bf is black and when he see's his freinds r w/e he be like wat up my ***** and all that stuff and sometimes he sound really stupid and i be like why would u want to call someone that and like if a white person say that to a black person it look like they be wanting to lose they mind they be like who u calling a ***** you stupid as cracker abd i be liike dawm sometimes yall be looking so stupid when u say something like they suppose to be live just because they call eachother ***** so i just want to know whats up with that word?

Should my iguana's food be up high, down low, or doesn't matter?

I am building a very large enclosure for my iguana and I'm not sure wether or not I need to provide a shelf up high for his food and/or water or if it is okay to just put it on the bottom of the enclosure. The bottom of the cage is at least two feet off of the ground because we built drawers into the base.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead?

The Tradgedians in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" are the players from "Hamlet" who Hamlet has play the play "in which [he'll] catch the King." Basic, I know, but we have to start somewhere. Stoppard is using these players as a piece of Meta-Theatre. Keep in mind one of the central themes of R&G is Art versus Reality.

What is the iest job a guy can have?

Besides a doctor (which I'm considering) I was thinking an astronaut or a fireman. What do you think?

Is this taxable?

If I have a contract that indicates that upon my death, my family will receive X amount of money if I have worked for a X period of time with that company... Is this amount taxable for my family or not?

Which book was it when Hermione started saying Voldemort's name out loud?

i think it was the fifth year she did, because everyone was making fun of harry because he said that voldermort was back and she said his name to stick up for harry

How can i get a basketball scout to come see me play?

i play for a aau team called san francisco rebels the website is im a girl that is 5''11' that plays for the 13 youth team im in the 8th grade i want to get a scholarship to go to sacred heart high school and colleges im the starting center once you see me on the court im fierce and powerful good with rebounding and good at shooting from the free throw line i can almost dunk i can touch the rim. for my school team we were undefeated until we lost at the finals my jersey number for the rebels team is 3 ive been play basketball since i was 3 im the tallest girl in my whole school recently we went to san diego to play california state games which we won all four of our games in san diego and got gold metals and we were california state games champions in san jose

What controls what? i need smart people!!!?

ok, hey yall i have a huge question, i no that the brain controls your moods and mood swings but i dont no which part of the brain controls it!!! can yall please help me!!! thi is a project and it is due monday please please please HEP ME THANX SO MUCH

I ned help raki out cynthia I have platinum?

First,Cynthia's pokemon are:Spiritomb,Togekiss,Lucario,Garchomp,… strategy is this:use anything on spiritomb,take out togekiss with ice fang,fire blitz on lucario,ice fang on garchomp,same with roserade,and for the grand finale:leaf storm on milotic. Glad I could help.

Do I look stupid with a nose piercing?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

If I did a BPS authorised doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the UK, how could I transfer it over to America?

I'm in college at the moment, and I'm hoping to do a 3 year Psychology degree and then a doctorate in Clinical Psychology for another 3 years. This will hopefully be with the University of Hull, a BPS authorised university. My question is, if I wanted to emigrate to America immediately after I finish my doctorate, how could I be a chartered Clinical Psychologist in America?

Geodon, Are you on it? Do you have dementia? Do you have seizures? Do you take Seizure medications?

Little information is being given out to patients but Geodon has the side effect of "INSTANT DEATH". It can cause heart arrythmias and result in instantaneous death. Do not take it if you have difficulty breathing, cardiac problems or a seizure disorder. Contact your state representatives as this is being reviewed as to whether it is a safe drug. It recently killed my 30 year old niece whom had been on it for three days.

Now that we are helping the rebels in Libya will the Taliban try and take over there too?

They may try to,, but you know what makes me sick?,, it is the fact that the only reason we & the other allies are striking Libya right now is because of oil not because we really care about the people. If America & the other nations really cared about oppressed people, we would strike Sudan where so many are being mistreated,, but because Sudan is not a oil rich nation, we could care less about the poor people being abused.

What wud u say about nokia X3......its sound??battery??look?

i m thinking of buying this i dont wnt to tak risk.....thats why i wnt to knw abot this phone.....nd its performance......thanks in advance

Is it illegal to.........?

Sell pin ons will celebrity photos inside? Do you have to have a license to do so? I was thinking of making pin ons with heavy metal bands... but am not sure of the legalities.

Favorite kind of court shoes?

im a girl (seze nine feet) i need a pair of good court shoes for vball adn badminton. any suggestions?

What are some ideas for an SAE project?

I need some good ideas for my Suprovised Agricultural Experience (SAE)!!! Let it be orginal so I can make a good grade on it...sorry for the spelling

Can u have a landscaping job year round in new england?

im thinking of getting a landscaping job instead of the current retail job i have. im sure its tough work but im an outdoors type of person and cant stand being inside. my concern would be if it could be a year round job, since in new england there's a gap between the snowy winter (in which i'd do shoveling) and the summer which would involve lawn trimming and i question how much work there's be during that period since the gr is dead and the snow's all gone. thanks.

26 Weeks Pregnant and Feeling Depressed?

I am a stay at home mom of a 15 month old baby girl with #2 on the way. My fiance works from 8am to sundown, and then when he gets home alot of the time he goes out, so we never get to see him. I'm not as attentive with my daughter as I feel I should be. I've been slacking on housework because I don't have the energy or desire to get my off the couch. I feel like a very selfish person right now because all I can think about is what I'M missing in my life and letting everything fall apart around me. I can tell it's affecting my daughter because she's been very moody lately. I just don't know how to get out of this rut that I'm in. Does anyone else feel like this? Is this normal? I didn't feel like this with my first, but I know every pregnancy is different. I don't want to be put on medication if I can avoid it, but I don't think I would even want to go out to see a counselor. Any suggestions?

Do you think he likes me?

Sorry this is so long but please read. Ok well there's this guy at my school (he's new) that I like. He's one of my friends and he's really nice.It's weird bc this other girl likes him and when ppl ask him if he likes her he says 'one of my friends likes her'. I'm pretty sure the dude she likes doesn't like her. But when we were at this party he grabbed my arm like 3 times and he was like let's dance! (we didn't end up dancing because it would look weird if we were the only 2). Then we talked at the party and when he hugged me b4 I left (he didn't hug the other girl that liked him) he asked if I still liked this other dude so I said no. I found it kinda suspicious..he said it kinda quickly too so idk. We tlk at school at least once a day and occasionally in English I'll be looking around the room and he looks at me 4 like 2 seconds, then looks away. It seems like he's staring at me sometimes! He used 2 like one of my other friends but hes over her friend says that he grabbed her arm 1 time but didn't do anything else but 2 the girl that likes him he grabbed her arm and they both ran 4 like 5 secs. He did that bc one of his friends threw coke on these 2 ppl that were making out so they had to make a run for it.He did that 2 me 3 times. By the way, he told everyone including me that he liked a girl from the Place he just moved from but he doesn't go back there that often. When we were In math he wrote hey Jen on his whiteboard and kinda laughed and he'll write stuff in spanish on his whiteboard and look at me. Then he told me that me and some other guy would be a good couple bc I had 2 be his partner in tennis. He was joking.Another girl (let's call her lindsey) said that he like stares at her like he does to me & he hugged her at the party. He danced with 2 8th graders at my school, but I'm pretty sure it was for a joke. He kind of grinded with the girl that likes him and danced w/ her too, but he told me he was trying to make her happy (idk any guy that would do it for that reason only, but he seems like the person to do that so). Oh yeah and he raised his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out at me with a funny look on his face.He also told me i had really blue eyes twice and when we took exams he told me he liked my "shirt thingy". We sometimes mouth talk across the room. I've noticed that in our yearbook if he's in the same picture as me he is either next to me or close by if that affects anything. Sometimes when one of our cles is over he will come near my desk with his friends and occasionally talk to me. It's kind of weird when he stares at me bc he just stares he doesn't say hey or anything and it's kind of awkward but i dont look away. I got one of my guy friends to ask him if he liked me and he was like uhh noo! in like an annoyed voice. When i accused him of liking lindsey he had this really mad/ annoyed look. Oh and when i was crying once or getting really close to he kept asking me what was wrong and gave me this look (idk how to describe it but it was like he was a little sad about somethin). he tells me i'm smart and thinks i do soo good in certain cles when it's not true. We have a few inside jokes. When i was talking to my best friend (this guy used to like her) she said he would annoy her on purpose but he didn't do anything else. Sometimes if he's walking in front of me and he notices im behind him he'll let me go ahead. I dont think he does that to many girls. Do you think he likes me or one of the others? Im really confused. If you say yes, can you possibly explain why you think that? I'm not good with this kind of thing. Thanks.

Im doing an art textiles course at A level (1st year)?

and have never studied art before we have been asked to choose an artist and then research it... i think i have to do about 4 pages but i have no idea what to include... any suggestions?

Do you think Kurt Angle is being treated unfair in TNA?

Kurt Angle used to be biggest wrestler in TNA now he can't even get a title shot. He's a 3 time TNA champion, TNA Triple Crown winner, and a purely great athlete. Even thou he SUCKS! He's in Faction with the champ Sting so he can't fight him 1 on 1. And he's stuck fighting people like Devon.

Will my granite counters crack if I pour hot water on them?

I need to pour hot water on my granite counters. Is there any way to prevent the counters from cracking?

Which is better, AFC East or NFC East?

I'd have to say the NFC east. You never know which of those teams are going to win the division. It is always competitive. A couple years ago, didn't all of them finish above .500? Can't say that for the AFC east.

Will American capitalism bring about the demise of our species as humans as we know it?

with it being based on over consumption of finite energy/matter resources; also because it tends to encourage waste 2 much. So should we not also replace it with an economic model, that takes nature into account as the ultimate provider of everything we use;whether it'd B based on a capitalistic or socialistic model?

Question regarding post birth anatomy?

Please forgive the too much info but: I am 3months post birth and I have had a lot of problems with a bad episiotomy stitching job and as such have been unable to be d at all. Anyhow things are finally starting to return to normal down there, however I can feel my cervix about an inch inside me, this seems very wrong it should be way further up. Ours was a complicated birth, bubs head was facing the wrong way and tilted back, so she got stuck in my pelvis. When I got an overwhelming urge to push, the midwife performed an internal and as bubs head was swollen, she was unableto feel my cervix and mistakenly gave me the go ahead. It was later discovered I was only 7cm dilated and I had to be given an epidural to try and stop the pushing, this helped but didn't completely stop it. So there were at least 2 hours or more where I was pushing when I shouldn't have been and I am wondering if anyone can tell me if this would be the reason for my cervix being down so low or is there another reason and should I be super concerned. I've heard of prolapses but don't really know if that could be what this is. I am not due to go back to the dr for almost 2 weeks and I'm not sure if this is more urgent or if it can wait or what. Is this normal after giving birth or does anyone have any idea what this is??? Any advice or information is greatly appreciated

What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 2.0 mol of solute in 6.0 L of solvent?

Molarity is moles of solute over liters of solution. So you would divide 2.0 moles/6.0 L and so Molarity is .33

Do I have a hysteria? Or what is it?

Ok, this is how it is: My mood swings from fake happiness to absolute destruction in minutes. When my girlfriend doesn't call me honey, sweetheart or whatever in an sms I become worried, depressed, highly insecure. I think about every detail of every word million times and I put paranoid explanations to my head. It's not just about her. Everything makes me weak, depressed and angry. I'll be fine for a while, then I swing back again. I'm thinking hysteria, because I just react so "hysterically" to everything. Cannot keep calm. Cannot say This is not worth it. I am getting crazy about things others wouldn't even notice. Before you send me to see a shrink, try to answer my question, please:)) Thanks!

Ok so i have my travel authorisation (esta).. how do i get my visa for USA?

Others have answered your question about a visa. The "ESTA" program allows citizens of 37 member countries to travel to the United States for up to 90 days without getting a regular visa. The "ESTA" is a visa waiver. Enjoy your visit to the states.

How is the resale value of a Porsche Boxster S? And how much should one budget for annual maintenance?

I pretty much have my heart set on acquiring one. But want to be fully prepared for it. Any good information on these questions would be appreciated including estimated replacement tenors for tires, brakd pads, rotars, transmission fluid (for stick) etc. etc.

Artic Cat 98' Panther 550 Deluxe 1 cylinder dead any ideas?


Steven Tyler Pictures And Questions.?

Okk, so I am looking for some pictures of steven tyler when he was younger or before his plastic surgery. When did he get his plastic surgery? Please help, thanks!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Where can you buy cute gothic lolita, punk and burlesque type clothes in Los Angeles?

going down to LA in a couple days and thinking of doing some shopping for my sister's party and I need to find a place that sells lingerie, tutus, and frilly lacey things with attitude. Only going to be there for a day and I don't want to search around too much. I also need to find a place that sell extended sizes. Know of a place? It's for a burlesque themed birthday party

Non-custodial parent, want to call CPS on mother, what will happen...?

Im a guru at this stuff. if u call CPS the report will have no merrit cause of retaliation laws. you would have to get a 3rd party member, not in relation to you, to file a non bias report. All in all its a mess. if CPS comes to there door step (within 24 hrs) then her mother will more than likely to get temporary custody of the kid. In wich case you only have to get an attorney to convince the judge you can take care of her under your present cirstances.

Why all of the "Obamaisms" so soon? ?

I thought our new President was smart, intelligent, and articulate. He seems to be making so many blunders in his first week. What's up with the obamaisms (formerly bushisms)? I though he knew what he was supposed to do and say.

Will they make a sixth season of red vs blue on halo 3?

I love red vs blue and I dont want it to end. I heard a rumer that they were making a nother season on halo 3. Are they and please dont make a random guess please state true facts. and if so a wed site that states it true

Can i get unemployment?

Your employer probably said that you quit and the unemployment office will have to investigate. I suggest you call the unemployment office and ask for clarification.

How do I change my name after marriage? Step-by-step.?

Everywhere Individually. Bank, CC's, DMV, phones, lights, checks and debit cards (goes along with banks), doctors. I sat down and made a list of everything that I have with my name on it.

Help me with my makeup please?

check out xsparkage on youtube. She has amazing make up tutorials for all kinds of events, with every colour you can think of!

Where are rodeos held?

I'm doing a project in social studies about different cultural sports and I happened to get "rodeo". A sport from our own culture. I need as much info as possible. I'm guessing it's held in some sort of arena...I'm not sure what it would be called? What equipent is needed, Limits to a particular group? How did rodeo begin? and what are the basic rules of the sport? If anyone knows even a little bit that would be great! (and btw this is due tomorrow so i'm kinda in a hurry! :])

I caught my wife in an emotional affair?

The biggest sign of an affair is lost time. They are late, working late etc. No explaination for where they were. You need to install a keylogger on the computer, it cannot be seen and or defeated.

I cut myself for the first time last night....?

I dont know i think things just got to me. Me and my mom havent been getting along and me and my dad and stepmom sure the heck havent been getting along. I am tired of them lying to me alllll the time. I was also thinking about the guy i like and idk things just got to me more than they ever had b4, so i grabbed a piece of ice and nubbed my arm and then took a needle and cut myself. Help me plz I dont know what to do. I dont want my mom to know or my two best friends...its really getting to me and i know i dont wanna do it again and i dont plan to so dont say go see a doctor. And plz tell me how i can hide it from them.

Do you think the iphone is overrated?

This first one is Wayyy overrated! Was watching the news couple days after they went on sale....there were lots of problems with them including not being able to activate it.I say if you want the iPhone atleast wait till the second or third generation iPhone comes out because then they would worked out some of the kinks. And also they may be cheaper. when the first generation came out so many people rushed to get it that it froze the activation because it was crammed


Youtube is youtube I think. But if you want other video sites, there are a lot of them in the internet.

If you are a full figured woman size 11 and up ..and you had a c-section...can you answer this?

i just has a c-section at 38 weeks. Its been one week and 2 days. I don't feel that much better i am super sore ....its a chore to do anything ...from the c section site i have a little drainage and a weird smell ...i am still bleeding like a period and i have a low grade fever ...also i am a big girl ....if that has anything to do with it...what happened to you ??? can you relate ...i am open to emails as well

What do you do when you are in a 11 mth. relationship and youre inlove but you also have feelings for your ex

I just got out of a similar situation. I wasn't in an 11 mo. relationship with the guy, but I did realize that I still had feelings for my ex. Once I realized this (and as hard as it was) I sat down with my current bf and we had a talk. I told him the truth and he respected me for that. One thing I have learned is that communication is the key to any relationship - whether it just be a friendship or a bf/gf, etc. What I realized in my situation was that it was not fair to my current bf for me to still have feelings for my ex. If I am in a relationship, I want to be able to know that I can give that person 100%. And vise versa. So, be honest in telling your significant other. It's not fair to drag them along if your heart belongs to another. Good Luck!

Why is vegas such a bad city to be single?

I have lived here for a few years and have not met many girls i like because they are usually shallow, skanky, or all of the above. do you think san fran would be better?

If this is true, do any of you still not understand why we must fight Islamic terrorists everywhere?

That is a very interesting article, and terrifying if true. I wonder why it is not getting more attention in the mainstream media?

Did Dana White sign Tito Ortiz back to UFC or is this a small contract deal?

nah tito is a **** and an even off camera, even on the camera he is still, i dont care about the entertainment factor the only entertainment i wanna see is in the octagon, if this is what ufc is all about then they should change their name to the ufe,ultimate fighting entertainment,just look how he told the bum off or in the ufc extra footage of tuf 3 he was an *** to bisping when bisping told him something was wrong with his foot, and well lets say the whole i will be an hole so the other guy will get thrown off his game is weak,dont you have enough confidence in ur abilities to beat him with just that?no! so you stoop low and be an ***, theres a difference between being entertaining and being a total jack@ss! and if any1 says otherwise they have no values, i hope griffin kicks his @ss again.thanks

I like my friend that's a girl!?

Hey guys. I'm a guy and I like my friend that's a girl. I met her this year because she's datin my best friend. I really like her but we dot talk a lot. But we tak a lol bit. When she's mad I always say you look prety wen ur mad and then she starts smiling and start saying she's not. I know that this is werird but when I see her in cl I say hey and light pinch her on the cheeck and she smiles. After that I grab or smack her and she smiles sometimes or tell me to stop it but not in a bad way. I really like er but she's dating my beat friend.

Guitar amp and effects board/!?

I am going to buy my little brother an amp and effects board for Christmas... I play acoustic so I have no clue what to get...he is intermediate and ambidextrous and it is ridiculous how fast he is learning, he has a Fender strat...I want to get him an amp that is better than his crappy one where every setting sounds the same, and some kind of effects board so we can make some funky trippy bad-a noises...I thinks he is heading in a more bluesy, psychedelic direction so any suggestions on some equipment would be lovely.. and of course ya know I'm broke so it can't be too expensive. Just something to start out on but that doesn't sound like crap. I know he has mentioned a wah-wah pedal too..and if starting out with just an amp that has some diversity would be better then let me know....just point me in some general direction or teach me a thing or two! Much obliged

Who should I start for week 15?

If I were you, I would go to the waiver wire and find a running back that will get a decent amount of touches. When you have a RB/WR flex spot, you should always try and get a RB into that slot, there will be more touches, period. If Percy Harvin is playing this week, you need to get him into your line-up as a WR and still fill your flex spot with a RB. Percy is a no brainer!

Does anyone know the name of the song and the band I'm talking about?

I've seen this music video a couple times in the past week, I really like the song, but I'm not sure what it's called or who it's by. The video is set in a sort of seventies/eighties feel club, and there's this girl in the video with a boy hair cut and she's wearing a t-shirt as a dress. I think she's looking for this boy who walks into the club or bar, I'm not sure, with two of his friends, then she ignores him when he tries to approach her and he walks out with his friends then the girl follows him and they walk away together.

Will anyone add me to PSN Network?

My psn id is nanaki97. I enjoy little big planet,burnout paradise, currently playing red dead redemption and have many other games but currently all my friends are never online and dont share the same interests as me =( if you do please feel free to add me :) I really enjoy final fantasy,anime (bleach,cowboy bebop etc) urmmm cant think of much else right now lol feel free to email me .

How can I improve my writing?

I am an Asian American. I have been here 3 years ago. English is not my first language. I am currently a freshman in the high school. My English teacher says that my writing is awesome despite some of the grammar errors. I admit that I am a good writer, but I also know that my grammar is horrible. I really need your guys' help. Does anyone who has any idea of how to improve my English grammar. By the way, my grammar problem is not like verb agreement or tense, etc, it's more like the sentence structure (awkward sentence order, syntax, etc.). Here is my example: (my thesis for my English essay) The author illustrates the theme of the novel by describing two main characters: A and B, and the plot of the story. But then, my teacher changes it to: The author illustrates the theme of the novel through the plot of the story and by describing the two main characters: A and B. The problem that bothers me the most is: when I check my essay, it always looks perfect (I mention the grammar here), but my teacher can always find out tons of grammar issues. Thank you so much if you help me to improve my grammar. Also please check the description I just wrote if you would like to.

What is the politically correct time to eat lunch?

I'm really hungry and it's only 11:30. Should I heat up my can of spaghetti and meat anyway and risk being politically incorrect?

How can i deal with my insane grandmother!?!?!?

my grandmother is visiting my family for another week (shes been here a week already) and shes making my life living hell..she thinks anything i do is "wrong" even if its just playing guitar.. the first night she was here she walked around my bedroom saying that everything i owned was bad for me (fish are bad?) shes done this: looked through my stuff, she keeps calling my Kathryn- not my name (im serious my name is Kat), she insults my friends, and thinks im a devil worshiper- i cant explain that one, she also said i was wearing "bad" clothes- jeans and t- shirts are bad?? how can i deal with her for another week!?! i cant tune her out or ignore her since shes in my house..... help...

Is it really true that after The Crucible at USMC Boot Camp Marines are supposed to talk about it?

I was at a Poolee meeting today and a kid on RA said that him and his friend with him weren't supposed to talk about it.

How does this body paragraph look? I feel like I made mistakes writing it..anything wrong?

Marc and Chantel are exposed to each others identities quite a bit, which is expected of a couple. Even though they knew each other, throughout the novel in their imaginations they see a different person. I think that these imaginations are dreams they are having of each other. One example of this is when Chantel’s former sister in law comes over and tells him how Chantal used to call her former husband “mousie.“ Jean-Marc drifts into a world of imagination. He connects this with the fact that Chantal is not telling him about the unknown worshipper’s letters. “That Chantal is unfamiliar; that Chantal is not the woman he loves; that Chantal is a simulacrum” (Kundera, 113). Jean-Marc is dreaming and wanting a better relationship with the woman he loves.

Yahoo answers never list my question?

I ve asked like 10 questions on here since i started that never appear, and never get answered subsequently, why?

Americans, did any one of you ever see Criss angel's magic show?

I watch it, and I agree, he's a great illusionist, and incredibly kind. If you watch in one episode, he goes an does alot of tricks for some kids in the make a wish fund.

How do I turn the heater off in a 1968 Buick Riviera?

I recently bought a 1968 Buick Rivera and can't seem to figure out how to turn the heater off. The heater continues to blow out of the defrost vents. I tried switching the controls off, but nothing happens when I try to turn it off. I can get temperature change when I switch from cold to hot but nothing else. Somebody at Auto zone said that the car was climate controlled but I can't get it to turn off. Any help would be appreciated Thanks

What are some good tips for growing baby pine trees?

One thing that really helps is to read to them every night before they go to bed. Another thing, is make sure they have a strong father-figure in their lives.

Dream about Anubis, an obsidian knife, and life and death...what does it mean?????? PLEASE?

In the dream I saw my friend and her parents at the rodeo. They were walking around at night on some wooden platform things like a deck but a walkway. I was following behind them but then suddenly everything changed and I was standing in my bathroom at home looking into the mirror. My hair was straightened and may have been longer. It seemed to me that i was older and stronger. I looked to the bathroom door which had been left open and saw a guy my age standing there. Where as I thought I was strong he was ALOT stronger, possibly older too. He was shirtless and brawny with black hair and I had the impression of dark eyes. Compared to my fair skin he was tanned. He looked alot like this guy I know, but I can't be sure if it was him because I didn't get a clear look of his face. Anyway he said something in a different language that I didn't fully hear and raised a large black knife into the air. The knife was as long as his forearm and pure black, it looked chipped and very old. I would guess it was made from stone or obsidian. He had both hands on the handle end and he plunged it down and stabbed me. I don't know exactly where it sunk in but I crumpled to the ground and clutched the area beneath my and my right with my left arm. My right hand clutched the corner of the wall as I landed on my knees, there was alot of blood and he stabbed me again. Everything went black and then I opened my eyes and stood up and I was still in the bathroom. Some time had ped and I looked into the mirror. Instead of my reflection i saw the female version of Anubis, egyptian god of death and the underworld. I was annoyed because I thought i'd have a because i didn't know there were females and was releived to see I was still definitely a female down there though I was blue and black. Then I looked at the door and the boy from earlier was gone and Anubis or his twin as standing in his place. Though I knew both were one and the same. He looked at me and I knew he was supposed to care about me, and then he came closer and took my arms and i'm pretty sure we "mated"....then everything went black again and this time I was in my human form again and I was standing with the boy in his human form in my kitchen. I didn't see him but I could feel him standing behind me. Then I saw a boy from school named Matthew appear and attack something with the knife from before because he said it was a demon or something and it had been trying to attack me. Then I woke up. What could this mean?

How do I get rid of mould?

I live in what appears to be a very damp (rented) flat. Unfortunately the landlord appears to have painted the flat in a water-soluble paint so I cannot use water and an abrasive cloth to try to remove the mould. Is there anything else anyone can suggest? Can't afford to move and am always nagging the agency, but to no avail. Any sensible suggestions would be greatly received. Thanks in advance x

REALLY IMPORTANT: everyone but mom & sis treating me like i'm 7 and constantly lying & insulting me?

Well first of all, my parents friend has been staying with us for 6 months and is driving us all nuts. Ans my sister lives next door and is happily married. My grandma lives with us too. When i come in the house after a long day, or just after school, when i'm on the computer, i can't take these people talking to me like i'm a baby like,"Oh how was ur day?! AWWW! U saw that movie?! That's a pg13!!!" like today i went for a hair cut, it said 8 dollar cuts, and mine was 16, my mom doesn't get that its $8 for men... not me and so she was whining when i got home to my mom and the woman living with us(L) well my mom was wining and then she said,"And the woman said to Jessica to stop dying her hair and L said,"Such a little girl, she is only 12, trying to grow up." so i yelled from the other room ,"U all need to stop complaining!" and like always L argues with me,"U might think we r complaining but we r not!" so i said,"Any other human being would clify that as complaining" and then i told my mom that im not eating lamb spaghetti(i hate it with a pion) and she said it wasn't and i said,"YES it is!!! Stop lying to me, ur always doing this, i know what it smells like and i know what it tastes like and looks like so no!" at dinner i sat down and she had gave me some noodles without the sauce and so i was happy so she told me to eat. Then my dad walks in and says he would get some bread sticks and i said,"Is there any left over garlic bread?" and he told me,"U might have to actually get up and go see, i know that's hard for u." I was sitting at dinner and L says,"Were u hungry little girl?" i cannot stand this any more!!! I'm going to go hide in my room until i'm 18 and can move out! They all talk to me like they talk to our family members that r 7!!! What can i do??? Not to mention i caught my mom smoking today, she "Quit" 2 months ago, i had a melt down because this is the second time i got her to"quit" she lied to me. Everyone makes fun of me because she "smoked".~JESS

So does LSU now play Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl?

If so, will it even be worth watching? I think LSU playing its scout team in practice would get higher ratings.

What can be done about my Autistic cousin who says he needs a colostomy to be free again?

I’m 17 and my cousin is 26. We aren’t all that close but we see each other like every other weekend when I visit my aunt. He has autism but is high functioning and smart in certain topics (he has a college education) but he is pretty much a hermit and only leaves his house to visit our grandmother a few blocks over. If he ventures out farther, especially by car, he gets a panic attack and has to go to the bathroom and my aunt has to turn right around and bring him home. He is petrified of diarrhea and even developed an eating disorder because of it.not eating disorder in the sense of body image but he’d eat only small amounts of certain foods in order to avoid diarrhea, which I think is a major sensory problem and phobia he has. He is completely healthy other than the problems I mentioned. But he spends so much of his day going back and forth to the bathroom and can’t hold it in and it isn’t diarrhea at all but he just always feels the urge to go and does. He eats fine now and normally has unnaturally hard stool he says, but once in a while he gets what I think is quite normal to most of us but he freaks out because it is “too soft” and he makes himself sick over this. He is so crippled by this that he even confided in me that he wishes he could have a colostomy bag so he doesn’t have to worry about being near toilets when he goes out and that it’d give him freedom and he’d finally be able to live and get out of the house. He researches it all the time and is convinced this is the answer. It seems a bit extreme to me, especially when that is major surgery. I don’t understand if this is a legitimate reason to consult a colon doctor about or if this is a severe phobia, mental disorder that needs to be addressed. What do you think? I’ve searched google but only find phobias of vomiting, not of the bowels. With all honesty it makes sense that an ostomy bag would solve his issues of fearing of going to the bathroom all the time and I’d love for us to hang out other than only in his bedroom, but it seems a bit extreme. He’s intelligent but like I said, he has autism and can’t live on his own and can’t deal with a lot of everyday tasks and obsesses over things. I’m concerned and just want the best for him. He has no friends. My aunt made an appointment with a psychiatrist but he won’t see him til late July. I think he just needs intense cognitive therapy, but does he have a legitimate reason for getting a colostomy bag, especially if he is certain it’d turn his life around?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I want your opinion on whether or not to get acne treatment?

I ume you are a male from your story. For females, birth control often helps, but that isn't an option if you're a guy. Here's my advice: I would follow your dermatologist's recommendations with the treatments but don't be afraid to speak up and ask for more options if the treatments don't work. There are always more options. If you have a lot of scar tissue, laser treatments are likely your only option. Scar tissue as a rule doesn't just up and leave on its own. The earlier you get a hold of the scar tissue, the easier it will be to get rid of. Now, I'm sure your dermatologist told you this but I'm going to say it too just for good measure. Be kind to your acne! Harsh scrubbing and popping will just make it worse. If you must pop a white head, this is my advice. Do it after a warm shower to soften the skin. Pop it with clean hands, and stop squeezing after the pus comes out. If you see blood STOP squeezing! And don't keep coming back to it to see if you can get more out of it. Every time you disturb a scab or sore, the body has to lay down new tissue to heal it and that leads to scarring. That's my two cents!

Is better lovemaking usually followed by tension or relaxation?

Well after 3 s I'm usually pretty relaxed, if you're "tense" after making love I think you're doing something wrong to be honest.

Question about a Venus Flytrap and a living rock plant.?

you can't keep the Venus fly trap in you back yard, they will die. They need a very high humidity environment at about 80 or 90%, they usually are kept in a turarium. They do not grow fast at all. I don't know the answeres to the rest of your questions, hope this helps! you may be able to keep the living rock in your sandy backyard, if its a hot climate like the desert. you prob will have to dig it up in the fall.

Why do Republicans here lie and claim that you receive money from the government?

when you've never received a cent and in fact have probably subsidized them through your tax contributions since liberal blue states are *net donors* to the Federal Government while conservative red states live off the Federal trough?

Anyone have severe problems with staying awake with being on soooo many meds for bipolar and OCD and Anxiety??

I am Bipolar, have OCD, anxiety and am on Prozac, wellbutrin xl, depakote, clonazepam, xanax, and a couple other things. I work in a job were I stand all day and am in the dark a lot. I have a HUGE problem with staying awake during the day and even moreso in the afternoon while driving. This scares me, anyone else have these problems. I have also lost a bunch of weight and when I loose a good 10-20 lbs we have to change my meds and I end up horrible for weeks/months at a time. I am basically miserable for the time being. Anyone else with similar issues. My doctor and I cannot seem to find a good regimen for me with my meds and although i will not stop taking them I am kinda giving up on getting it right. My job is suffering and i am in possibility of loosing my job if my performance goes down. What to do??

They found two nodules in my thyroid gland?

they are both less than one centimeter each, so the endocrinologist does not want to do a biopsy just more blood work and he said he wants to keep an eye on them to make sure they do not grow because they can become cancer. My concern if they are two, he does not know what it is, why wait six months, can it spread? My brother has Lupus, I have high blood pressure, they remove my gall bladder in august, my liver enzymes are high. any suggestions. Thank you

Does anyone have bastketball tips and tricks?

i need to get really good at bball. anyone have tips? i need advice on skills and shooting and stuff. what exercises can you do in order for you to be able to jump higher? what muscles do you need to strengthen?

Would you like to see some of my story?

No offense, but that sounds a little silly. No thanks. Good luck getting it published! (sorry for being the wet blanket)

How do I let him know I'm interested in him?

I work drive-thru early in the mornings and there is a guy that comes through every day like clockwork. Well when I first saw him I thought he was really attractive. However, I don't ever get a chance to really talk to him and our conversations are very brief. I've asked friends and they've suggested flirting with him. I've caught him looking at me a few times, but other than that not much has happened. By briefly talking to him he seems really nice and down to earth. How do I show him I'm interested in him? I know it may seem useless because he comes and then goes. Any suggestions would be appreciated. =)

Please help me to solve the problem?

solve the problem, a painter needs to cover a triangular region 64 meters by 66 meters by 72 meters. A can paint covers 70 square meters how many cans will be neded?

How is this for a restaurant idea?

"children" and "no children" sections, seperated by thick, soundproofed walls for those of us that want a nice, quiet dinner out, without the distractions of screaming kids, and on the same token, make all restaurants "cell phone" proof so everyone dont have to listen about "aunt mary hysterectomy" or "uncle clydes hemmoroids"?

Web Redirect - htaccess?

redirect 301 /htdocs/index.htm a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is Allen Iverson having a bad season or is it time for him to stop?

He just getting used to his trade to the Pistons. He is under alot of pressure. People are questioning about this trade, and on top of that, Richard Hamilton dosen't like that Iversons on his team, because he's not used to Iversons new style. Just give Iverson some time and he will get better.

This poll is for grrrls ONLY?

well i don't know it depends. i usually wear blue or black nail polish, but sometimes i wanna change and i wear vamp or burgundy. bye

I was looking on the Farmers Almanac and it said for Maryland?

Maybe you are linking drought to temperature in your thinking? Cooler in the summer could still mean just a few degrees off the average summer temp, which could still be in the 80's as example. The drought is not related, it is just saying there will be very little rain/precipitation.

What's the song by a female band that has a music video that is at an airport?

All I can remember is the group kind of sounds like shania twain and the music video was the girls at an airport in like the middle of the desert and at the end they leave on an airplane> Does anyone know what song this is ?

8 year old who can't stand food with texture - help!?

My friend has an 8 year old who has never been able to eat textured food, like mashed potatoes, pudding, nachos, all sorts of things. He basically lives on chicken nuggets, corn, and hot dogs, that sort of thing. He threw up a lot as a baby, and has a very sensitive stomach. He actually throws up if a food is not bland and tasteless. His mom thinks it could be a learned response (in his head), but with a basis in a real problem with food and his reflux issue. She has tried forcing him to eat certain foods, but he throws it up. If his nose is runny, it will cause him to get nauseated and throw up. She is at her wit's end to get him to eat other foods. Any ideas?

Explain why you don't understand how the Capitalist elites of Business & Govt are both burdening citizens?

I love the title of your question. Your asking idiots why they are stupid and asking blind people why they can't see.

Finding a light colored bridle?

Well, I've been looking at some saddles that are a caramel/newmarket color. I have found leathers and a girth, however, I need a bridle. The only ones I've found are an hdr bridle, a crosby bridle but I've heard some bad reviews and one thats like $300--waaay too expensive.

Whats wrong with Paul McCartney? Why is he so keen to rename everything after himself before he dies?

a href=""…/a

Women have, down the ages always had2deploy guile against strength, does that make them innate Man-ipulators:?

Your question gets A for cunning, my friend. What you are really trying to do is start a row about women comedians. I'll challenge you to produce a better comic than either Joan Rivers or Jo Brand. Don't say Billy Connolly because I agree, he is up there with them.

Will Republican tendency towards pedophilia and embracing of hypocrisy sway your vote in the November?

No, it will not change my vote. I don't like what has happened to the economy under the GOP administration. The pedophilia, and the cover up, is par for the course from people who are so busy proclaiming their righteousness, and sinlessness in God's eyes. It does not surprise me at all. If you can't tell, I am voting Democratic in this one myself.

Old two line p rule in the NHL?

An off side p was one in which the player crossed the red line before the puck having been ped from behind the blue line. It was all about the player and not the puck. If the puck preceded the player across the line it was not off side.

Is Midas a good place to have my car serviced?

midas is not a good place to go. find an independent repair shop that does general repairs. the best mechanics work in these shops. they are allowed to have independent thought and consideration for you and your cars needs. they are not ruled by a corporations rules and a service writer who hasnt any practicle experience working on cars. in you walk into such a place make sure the guy your talking to hands like a mechanic and that you form a trust with him. good luck

Brown peeling stuff behind wallpaper!?

I'm painting my living room and there are about 4 layers of old wallpaper and underneath it all there is some sort of brown colored wall. I don't think it's drywall. I have no idea what it is. I sprayed some water on the wallpaper to help peel it off, and when the brown stuff got wet it started peeling. I have no idea what to do. It's sort of like trying to get a barcode sticker off of a bowl or a plate or something like just keeps coming off in little shreds. I want to keep scraping it off to see if it will eventually stop peeling, but I'm afraid that I will mess it up somehow. What should I do!?!? I'm so puzzled!

A good car for college plz 2weeks left?

Sedan ,coupe? Honda prelude 97-01... honda civic 93-95.. honda accord 94-97.. ?? Acura rsx.. scion tc.. opened to any opinions please.. 10pts

Bad idea to take a cello on a plane as a carry on ?

i really want to take mine with me on a trip so what would be the best way to take it besides buying a separate seat ticket for it ? would it get damaged going as a carry on ? (i only have a soft case :( )

Should we judged a person for there color of there skin and were they come from?

every time i go to the grocery store i get stared at really ugly by calcasion woman! yeah i'm half native and hispanic i married a handsome man and his white but even so when i'm about to pay at the register they think here's another wet bag from mexico on food stamps and once they see that i pay with my credit card they stop looking i'm 30 and i have two handsome boys i'm not fat or skinny i'm slime and i take care of myself to look go for my man, i have a great career and i don't think hispanics should be judge just cause of break out of boards in mexico. if people out there don't like the way hisapinc are or what ever they why do people go to mexican resturans, stores and all that ********** what ever thing!

Does any one know how to level up a lucario in pokemon platinum?

you should try to catch a chansey holding a lucky egg and take it from him and give it to lucario that will get you more 50% of EXP

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What do I do about my roommate?

omg my mom isn't too short on the stick from this either lol she's almost the same. But yeah lemme tell ya ppl who don't like to listen are VERY hard to talk to. If being nice doesn't get the message through then try being as direct as possible. Tell her that it is affecting you and that you're losing sleep because of it. Ask her if she can try not to contact her bf every night or take it outside. Its rude to think that the world revolves around you like your in preschool all over again.

Why should I be penalized if I do not receive an e-mail?

I don't think I received a work e-mail on time to know that I had already missed a bus to pick me up to take me to a conference...I had never known about any such thing...why should I be blamed? Whatever happened to telling somebody?...please answer

Michelle's war on obesity: Shouldn't Hussein 0bama stop obese kids on welfare from trick-or-treating?

... so they don't get bigger and further drive up the healthcare costs you and I have to subsidize ?

Do you think im in early stages of labour?

it sounds like youre slowly dilating. it doesnt necessarily mean you have to be in serious pain. the contractions start from bearable, to mild to excruciating pain. Once you feel you can not handle it, then you know youre in labor, and the best thing to do is go to the hospital to be safe. good luck.

Do you find it Hilarius at how quickly young people react when they find out life isn't free?

Taxes, Mortgage or Rent, utilities, contracts, gas, insurances, food, and medical. Yes, that's right kiddies, you only think you know it all between the ages of 13 to 18.

Guitar is twanging like no ones buisness!?

Sounds like you really need to get yourself a decent one. If you don't want to make a commitment by spending a lot of money, why don't you borrow one off somebody first until you know you like it? I started out doing that, and then eventually I got my own.

Essay help! Please answer, I need help?

instead of curses do hyrogliphics and ancient drawings.. thats a HUGE part. thesis u just gotta like make the intro and thats easy dont worry just write a rough then edit after or get sum1 to proofread it

Jonathan Ross Japanorama Series 3?

The series 3 of Jonathan Ross' Japanorama? Does anyone know where I can find and watch the full episode 6? I'm doing a textiles project of Street Fashion, and I picked Japan. And, as it turns out, Jonathan Ross did an episode (episode 6) in Series 3 on the Gyaru. If anyone could link me to it, I'd be really grateful. ^^

How should I set up this video/slideshow?

watch this- a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

The drinking/card game "a" hole?

yea sorry i normally just spell out the word but i dont want my question deleted for using profanity. what are the rules of a$$hole? i know theres the president and vice and secretary and all that but how many cards does everyone get? and what does each card mean?

Who won in this fantasy trade?

Aaron Rodgers and T.O. Wes welker was putting up big numbers because the no. 1 spot with randy moss was seeing double coverage. Now that welker is going to be in the no. 1 he is going to get double teamed which he is not used to. Brady will still get it done tho. Rodgers will continue to have a strong season. With ryan grant out they rely more on their ping game. T.O. is spotty but still good. AR and TO get the win in this trade.

Why do men often get so defensive/mad at the littlest thing.... I've been going through it for 9 yrs?

with my husband and now it's coming out in his performance reviews/leadership program for becoming a manager at his office..... even through he knows it's an issue he is still doing it to me.... what is his problem? what's behind this irritating behavior? I am the oldest and most ambitious in my family whereas he's the baby of his family.... I know he gets frustrated about his job but I'm like "if you don't like it, look for something else" -- I have always said to him that I'd support any additional education he wanted to get, etc.... I am at a loss... I hate having to walk on eggshells all the time etc.... I am very patient/have put up with lots of **** in my life and that's why I make a good income now.... why can't he be more patient, at the very least with me.... I made dinner tonight (which I rarely do during the week) and he ruined everything because of something little... I told him how to use a certain cookie sheet so the stains don't get baked in..... why is he like this? he's like "I don't know what purpose I have in my life.... just to suffer here with you...." -- I'm sorry but I am a very sweet person... could it be because he's Muslim raised in Pakistan, etc. while I am Pakistani Christian... I am pretty devout and am happier because of it... I see one of my purposes in life, to worship God and make a differencde in this world.... my husband needs God..... at least with Christianity there is hope.

To Muslims, long question sorry..?

"We party, we date guys infact we do run-of-the-mill ordinary girl stuff" doesn't even sound loosely Christian to me.

Isn't God's love is unconditional & eternal, then why do Christians say that there is Judgment day?

I like to enhance my spirituality that will enlighten me more which is based on truth. I am not satisfied of answers from Catholic Bible alone (God forbid me), for what I believe God is more than we can comprehend. There are pages in the Bible that i find vague and unbelievable. Enlighten me.

I'm about to lose EVERYTHING, need some URGENT help! (kind of long read)?

Here's the deal. My dad was at a part of his life where everything seemed to be going swell. Quit smoking for 2 years, just bought his first house, got custody of me, had a job paying $25 per hour, plans to get married. Had plans to start his own business, and investing in stocks and the real estate market. After a series of stressful events with the family, I guess he went into midlife crisis mode and "crashed". He's 39 now. He's going bald and has gained weight and seems depressed. He started smoking again. Quit his job. His plan was to use his $20,000 in the bank to live for a while while he searched for a job. But he didn't. He "took the summer off". Now it's October. He's been spending his money like crazy. Let his brother borrow $1,400 (and he's not paying back), gave his mother $500 for her 70th birthday, let his friend borrow $1,000. He bought a new $1,000 computer. $250 vacation. A bunch of mini golf visits and the such. Random purchases of videogames and stuff. A few months ago I heard his balance was down to $8,000. Today I heard it was down to $3,000. He's maxing out all his credit cards. Now my stepmother and I are very worried. Mortgage is about 1,000 dollars so there's 3 months left. We keep telling him he needs to get a job. My stepmom has applied for some low paying jobs. They both have not gone to college. By the way I am 15 years old. I'm afraid. Winter's coming so I'll be needing snow gear. I need a cellphone. I DON'T EVEN HAVE HEALTH CARE. How can I get contacts?! I need them! What if I break my leg? That's a HUGE hospital bill. I also need a physical if I want to join volleyball. Volleyball is my LIFE. We keep telling my father that he's in a bad situation. All he says is "we're fine, trust me." and "don't worry about it" and "I like to do things last minute". Before home improvement and starting businesses and getting married and getting a new car were his goals. Now all that's left is KEEPING our home. I'm in huge trouble. It seems he won't listen to ANYONE as he watches his world, and my world, crumble around him. Like, all this is happening and LAST WEEK my dad let his friend borrow $1,000! Makes no sense! I'm super afraid that he's underestimating his problems and won't realize what's going on until it's too late. And this isn't a mistake he can learn from, if the mistake happens I am screwed. I NEED HELP, AND FAST!

Congratulations Giants?

if you claim to be an actual Patriots football player, then I happen to be the President of Ford Motor Company....

Ok hears the problem?

ok i rreally like this girl and i want to ask her out but im toooooooo hears the do i get more guts what can i doo to hel it

How to kill wasps that've built a nest INSIDE my sealed solar garden lights?

You will need to search well and find the point of entry. The wasps typically don't make a lot of effort to find their home. There is a hole or vent in the light the wasp is going in. If you can find it and spraying in it doesn't work, try tying a plastic bag around it. This should suffocate them. Just have can of wasp spray available in case their friends come to visit them when you are trying to kill them.

Texas Electoral Process?

I have essay question that asks me to write about the electoral process in texas and I what I would change about it. The only problem is that I'm not sure if what it is asking me to write about is just the process of electing a governor in texas? or if the electoral process refers to the election of the judicial, executive, AND legislative members???

Why do so many "country music" fans hate the Dixie Chicks?

Well most country music fans are conservative and Bush is a conservative. So when they spoke ill of Bush it was like an attack on them. Personally I praised the Dixie Chicks for what they said.

Terrain Park Skiing Boot tightness?

I've been park skiing for 4 years now but its only been this year that i have started doing big spins off jumps. So i was just wondering how tight, or loose, i should have my boots? will having them too tight help or hinder my spin?



What are some must haves for cheerleading to get on the team?

Well I dont know how to put my question but please give me some tips on getting on the cheerleading team.

Do This For Me Please?

When your kids come home or you see your mother or father or brother or sister please hug them, kiss them and tell them you love them very much. I am a Fedex Express courier in Las Vegas, Nevada and we were told about a co-worker who was murdered on sunday. I was very shocked when I learned of this and feel really bad for his family. I want you to do this for me as well as yourself because I think we as people don't do enough to let our loved ones know how we really feel about each other. It is very sad to have known this young man (he was 25 years old) and to understand that he will never take another breath or hold his child or say good morning to his mother or father. I will miss him and cherish each day he and I spoke to each other. I will never forget him. Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.

Do you think that hip hop is the blame for people decisions?

we all know that hip hop is now a billion dollar industry but what upsets me the most is that everybody wants to blame rap music for the way people talk and behave. Though it is true that rap/hip hop is known for profanity i don't think that it should be held responsible for the way people behave. People were using profanity and degrading women long before hip hop was born, now if America wants to put the blame on anyone then its only fair that they blame death metal rock for kids shooting and bombing their schools, if America wants to point fingers then its only fair to say that girls gone while is the reason why young girls are such a disgrace to themselves. Im not saying that these things are true but what i am saying don't just blame hip hop look at all the other things that allows our children to glorify using profanity such as cartoons like the simpsons and family guy it is a little bit of everything not just hip hop.

What should i do if someone continually disrespects and insults me?

there is a boy in my school who continually pesters me sometimes i feel angry enough to hit him but i don't want to be violent what should i do i am tired of going to the principal and other authorities and this boy is violent

Did you know dogs think humans are annoying?

Hahahaha! that was cool, i don't have a dog but i heard Glen Lewis once talking about dogs and the meaning of their baking's.

I NEED help!?

My baby is doing the same thing now, she usually gets soo tired she'll fall asleep in her high chair and i usually let her for 20 mins, try taking a nap with him, as long as he sleeps good at night your fine, also try feeding him things you know he loves, thats what i do when my baby won't eat at all, like she loves mac n cheese and grilled cheese...

Why does our mastiff eat our other dog's poop? How do I get him to stop?

I agree that you should look at their food. Buy a protein based, high quality food like Innova, Blue Buffalo, Orijen, California Natural, etc. Just check the ingredients- make sure the first ingredient is meat and not corn or other grains. That should solve any "protein deficiency". You can also make sure the other dog's poop is unappetizing... Put a small amount of pineapple in both dog's food; it will make their poop taste horrible, and they should stop.

What do you think of this suit?

How do circular planes fly?

Flight occurs by way of lift. If the circle is acting as a wing by giving air moving over it a longer path than air moving under it then you have lift. Stability isn't as much an issue these days thanks to computers. Check into the stealth bombers and fighters. Neither of them would be able to fly without computers.

I have a Ph.D. in Special Education and want to teach online courses. What colleges offer online SPED courses

I was an ociate Professor and have taught courses like intro, methodolgy and instruction, essment, behavioral manangement. learning process and cognition. Have also taught graduate research courses. Was also adjunct professor in SPED, directed an inpatient program for emotionally disturbed adolescents and children, and directed the Special Education program at a medical university in the department of pediatrics. I feel I have had a variety of experiences that make me a good learner and a good teacher. I very much want to teach online and am having a hard time finfing emplyment opportunities. Any help will be most greatfully received.

Is it just a bunch of young kids on here that think terrorists can be negotiated with or do full grown?

Mature adults who have kids, work for a living and loves their Country really believe that appeasement, compromise and negotiation will make the Terrorist stop murdering people?

Why does there appear to be many terrorist sympathizers on Yahoo! Answers this morning?

The majority of people that responded to my question about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to grant the terrorists constitutional rights seem to be siding with the court and therefore, the terrorists. I haven't seen so many people that are willing to coddle people that want to kill them since the Warren Court ruled to give rights to violent career criminals (murderers, rapists, molesters etc.). Does common sense even exist any more? I thought when people were out to kill you and destroy your country that you did everthing in your power to prevent that, not facilitate it. Why are so many posters on here so sympathetic to the enemy?

Can even "unexpressed" love for a child be unconditional ?

Why couldn't it be? The degree to which love is expressed has nothing to do with how conditional it is.

Francis Coquelin is he evidence that Wenger is a cut above the rest?

While other teams buy in well known names to boost their squad, Wenger still plods along in his own belief that he won't pay extortionate monies for players, and just when people start to question him, he signs some youngsters into our team, a couple from the lower divisions , Nasri who everybody knows and then Francis Coquelin who played FC Laval French 2nd division, believe me after watching him a few times his blistering pace and closing down on the ball show me that rather then being the new Flamini this man will be the new Viera... Can anybody else in the EPL spot young talent in the way that the Master that is Wenger can.

Why do so many people think physical discipline and children is bad?

Everybody parents differently. Personally I think that if fine, but when it crosses the line, (like bruises and other injuries) that's when it gets serious

Why do i haves hair on my front ???? is there something wrong withhh mee????? plzzz hellppppp!!!?

i woke up and i found hair on my place where i pe front.!!! plz help is there anything wrong withhh meee??? im scared to ask mty momm plzzz hellppp !!

Do Christians blame Satan for making people believe in witches?

Although people in Nigeria may be unfortunately falsely accused, there are self-proclaimed witches that practice witchcraft.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why was there a dead snake in a jug of tequila? This was in TJ Mexico.By the way, it tasted great!!?

I'm not sure about a snake, but I have had Mezcal, which has an agave worm in it. I guess it is supposed to enhance the flavor or something. I wrecked my car the time I ate the worm. That was in my dumber days.

Software for creating text and simple images for website?

Does anyone know any software that can creat good-looking text and images for website such as 'Welcome to my page' or 'My Personal Details',etc. I know Adobe and Macromedia have it,but i don't know which one. (They have many products and the description is sometime confusing!)

Tv show about fisherman ghost who tried to hang camera man i cant find anything about it since i saw the show?

there was a show on the history channel or something about the worlds most haunted places and it had a segment about a fishermans house that a lady moved into and she kept hearing noises from the attic and saw a headless fisherman. when investagators came one was almost hung by the ghost if you know what im talking about can you tell me the name of the show or what the house was called